Introduction of X METAVERSE PRO-DAO

X METAVERSE PRO-DAO is a decentralized community autonomous organization launched by the foundation, which aims to reshape the way of building, contributing and owning decentralized applications (Dapps) and shape the future of Web3. In some ways, DAOs operate like corporations or nation-states, but in a more decentralized way. Traditional organizations use hierarchical structures and many levels of bureaucracy, but DAOs have no hierarchy. Instead, DAOs use economic mechanisms to align the organization's interests with its members, who are not bound by any formal contract, but rather tied together by common goals and network incentives that are closely tied to consensus rules.

These rules are completely transparent and written in open-source software that governs the organization. Since DAOs operate without borders, they may be subject to different legal jurisdictions.

X METAVERSE PRO- DAO consists of two parts: build and incubation.

As builders, we will continue to "build" cutting-edge products across multiple chains and verticals. Despite that Web3 landscape is ever-changing, we can still stay connected to the landscape and the right people, and know exactly what other builders need to start and grow.

As an incubation, we will incubate applications with innovative structures that are more suitable for community development from multiple dimensions through a distributed ecological organization, and help Web3 builders grow. We welcome builders and Web3 users to join. X METAVERSE PRO- DAO will be a brand new one-stop shop.

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