Technical Design Principles of X METAVERSE PRO

The list of actions performed in a smart contract, propagated over the network or recorded on the blockchain, is publicly visible. In the Turing-complete blockchain network, the technical design principle of X METAVERSE PRO is to satisfy several basic principles while meeting the system capability requirements.

ยท Untraceability, X METAVERSE PRO is designed to disconnect the link between two transactions, making the attack impossible.

ยท Irrelevance, X METAVERSE PRO makes the payment address unable to be associated by encryption technology.

ยท Anti-statistical analysis, X METAVERSE PRO, needs to completely hide the address and the relationship between the addresses through technical means.

ยท Practicality principle, X METAVERSE PRO will take into account the user's existing usage habits and pain points, and conduct phased research and development.

ยท An optional auditing scheme, which can decide whether or not to give the third party the ability to track specific information about all his transactions.

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