Revenue Mechanism of $XMETA Asset Management and Copy Trading

The X METAVERSE PRO protocol allows users to follow professionals to manage digital assets and achieve asset appreciation by tracking their wallet addresses. It uses AI technology to track and analyze on-chain data. The AI arbitrage robot provides users with an easy and convenient "one-click copy trading" service, and the professional level launched at the same time will also provide experienced traders with a complete set of analytical tools to help with their investment strategies.

$XMETA allows inserting other interfaces to start wallet-to-wallet address copying, which is equivalent to copying the strategy of the trading elite. This method is simple; users just need to select the wallet to copy and deposit funds into the $XMETA smart contract.

The second way of copying successful traders is to select successful traders first. Users give funds to their favorite traders for trading, and at the same time receive $XMETA tokens of the same value as the deposited funds. The value of the token increases or decreases according to the performance of the trader, which is used to reflect the impact of the trader's investment decision on the user's assets. The second method requires a higher degree of trust, so users' choices are mostly based on data and past statistical results. The $XMETA platform will provide details of traders including past performance, and tools to help users select the best candidates.

Traders participating in the second mode must use $XMETA's AI plugin on their browser to keep transaction records. With transaction records, traders can decide how they are paid, such as a flat fee or a percentage of the profit earned.

At that time, individuals or groups holding $XMETA digital tokens will have the opportunity to participate in the $XMETA asset management platform. As a part of the $XMETA ecosystem, users can maintain and increase the value of their assets through the $XMETA asset management platform and obtain stable growth income, as well as realizing the real life, finance and entertainment in the virtual world of $XMETA.

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