Introduction to X METAVERSE PRO DEX

It is a decentralized exchange on the chain based on a multi-ecosystem, it can facilitate low-cost and lightning-speed exchanges between users transactions, as well as providing functionality and easy to use similar to centralized trading platforms.


DEX Based on Hybrid Order Book

A combination of on-chain central order book and traditional order book

Traditional Order Book

X METAVERSE PRO DEX combines smart contracts with user-provided liquidity by traditional order books and provides liquidity for trading pairs in the trading pool. AMM facilitates decentralized transactions between buyers and sellers, with no need for a third party or service provider to hold client funds.

However, because there is no central order book, AMMs do not have most of the functions and good user experience and efficiency that centralized exchanges have.

Simply put, an order book is a list of open buy and sell orders (including amounts and prices) for cryptocurrency trading pairs. Using matching engine technology, the order book is currently the fastest, cheapest and most convenient way for buyers and sellers. However, traditional order book matching techniques always lead to increased centralization of the platform.

Central Order Book

X METAVERSE PRO DEX has found a way to solve DEX problem of efficiency while avoiding over-centralization of trade orders in the order book.

Rather than managing the order book by traditional centralized control, X METAVERSE PRO DEX has a decentralized order book based on blocks.

As a result, the order book is fully programmatic, it provides greater transparency through a distributed ledger and it boasts the ability to automatically match orders between third-party users.

In addition to efficient order matching, X METAVERSE PRO also provides traders with enhanced functionality and a more streamlined user interface.

Automated Market Maker (AMM)

It allows users to seamlessly switch between tokens on chain in a fully decentralized and non-hosted manner. Liquidity providers, on the other hand, earn passive income from user transactions, and the revenue earned is based on the percentage of their contribution to the asset pool.

Cross-chain DEX Aggregator

It realizes dual function of cross-chain swap and cross-chain aggregation transaction, it will also support mainstream public chains including ETH, BSC, Polygan, etc.

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